Assisted Supported Living Facilities
Adult Residential Care Homes
Skilled Nursing & Intermediate Care Facilities
Foster Homes
Long term care facilities provide a safe and supportive living environment for people who need additional support due to age or disability. The cost of living in a long term care facility depends on the facility. The government subsidizes some facilities and the rent is very low. There are other facilities that do not charge a fee at all. There are also other private facilities where the cost of care can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars each month. Each facility will have different admission requirements and procedures. Many have waiting lists, so it is best to plan whenever possible and contact the facilities directly for more information.
Assisted Supported Living Facilities
Assisted living and supported living options describe the same types of services. Both of these living options provide additional support for those people who need help around the house, such as seniors. Assisted living facilities provide support ranging from grocery shopping to medication reminders to assistance with bathing. Many facilities also provide options for individuals that may need to move from assisted living facilities to nursing facilities as their life situation changes.
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Adult Residential Care Homes
Adult Residential Care Homes (ARCH) provide a safe and supportive place to live for people who need support with some or all of the typical activities of daily living. The State licenses these homes and has requirements regulating the number of people that can live together and the types of support services that must be provided for them.
Skilled Nursing Facilities & Intermediate Care Facilities
Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF) usually provide more intensive in-home support than assisted living facilities. Federal and state programs fund ICFs and provide an affordable option for many people in need of long term care. These facilities provide 24-hour care for their residents, but may vary greatly in the types of services and to whom they are provided. For example, some ICFs serve the elderly and others serve people with developmental disabilities. Within these divisions, ICFs may offer different accessibility features or types of specialized community training or supports. They are referred to as nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, care homes, or group homes.
The more intensive supports
are usually very expensive.
Very few people can afford
this type of care on their
own, so all ICFs receive
federal and/or state funding.
These facilities often
have long wait lists, so
it is important to plan
ahead. You may also experience
delays while waiting for
approval. Finding an ICF
in a location that is convenient
is important, although
the types of services they
provide and availability
will probably be more important
factors in your final decision.
Since most ICFs do not
allow for direct admission,
it is best to contact the
Department of Health to
determine if you are eligible
for their services.
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Foster Homes
Foster homes can be a wonderful resource for those who need a safe place to live. Generally, foster homes are for children who, for many different reasons can no longer live with their biological parents. Foster homes for adults are also available for qualifying seniors. Most foster homes do not accept direct referrals. This means you cannot call a foster home directly to see if there is room for you or for someone you are helping. Typically, different state agencies control the wait lists and placements for foster homes, and make the determination as to who is eligible.